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Unsere Leistungen

Mehr als nur Fitness

Ihre Zufriedenheit ist uns wichtig

Professionelle Betreuung

Individuelle Unterstützung

Pünktlichkeit und Kundenservice

Qualität nach nationalen Standards

Lokal und persönlich

allgemeine Fitness


A Healthier Self

Your body is your temple. Exercise   has many positive effects on your health, not just physical but mental as well. Look forward to the activation of the whole body and the happy hormones that occur after training.

Pilates RIWA


In harmony with the body

Pilates is a full body workout with a focus on strengthening the abdominal, pelvic floor and back muscles. It can take place on the mat or on the specially developed equipment and is very easy on the joints.

Boxtraining RIWA


strength and endurance

Are you stressed and need a balance? 
Would you like to give ALL ? 
Do you want to increase your fitness level?
The best thing is to come to Marc in boxing training.
No matter what goal you are pursuing, Boxing is a wonderful workout and covers endurance, strength, flexibility, speed and coordination.

Ballett RIWA


Quality in focus

Ballet promotes balance, flexibility and coordination. Various elements and sequences are practiced to the music, while the muscles are strengthened and posture improved.



Happy hormones guaranteed

Exercising outside in the fresh air is particularly good for the immune system. The VitaParkour offers the perfect space in the forest to be in the fresh air and to train at the same time. We take resistance bands, TRX and small weights with us and look for different stations to train. 

70 CHF

trial lesson

The trial training serves to get to know each other. We would like to sit down with you and discuss what your goals are and how we can achieve them together. We will also test you for your stability, strength and mobility, to create a customized, training for .

130 CHF*

personal training

After we have determined your personal goals, we concentrate on the implementation and regularity of the training. In these 55 minutes  the focus is entirely on you and your individual goals.

* Prices may vary. See on pricing 

FASZIENTRAINING FÜR BEINE UND GESÄß // Ausrollen der Waden, Oberschenkel und Gesäßmuskulatur
X-MAS PARTNER WORKOUT // Für zu Hause #partnerworkouts
10 MIN // STRETCHING AUF DER MATTE // Für die Beinmuskulatur #beweglichkeit
EINFACHES TRAINING FÜR EINSTEIGER // Auf der Matte // Für den ganzen Körper
10 MIN // WORKOUT MIT BOX // 5 Übungen für die Anregung des Stoffwechsels #workout
10 MINUTEN / BAUCHMUSKELTRAINING / für Fortgeschrittene / #bauchmuskeltraining
GESÄßMUSKULATUR UND BEINRÜCKSEITE // Mattentraining mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht #glutesworkout

8805 Richterswil, Schwyzerstrasse 27

Stefanie +41 79 461 88 72

Marc +41 79 893 40 97

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Free parking available

Under the second building are visitor parking spaces that can be used. Simply drive to the property's official entrance and then slightly downhill.

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