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our range

Your health matters

personal trainer richterswil

Improving fitness and vitality

Fit and vital

Your body is your temple. Exercise   has many positive effects on your health, not just physical but mental as well. Look forward to the activation of the whole body and the happy hormones that occur after training.

pilates studio richterswil


Strengthened from within

Pilates is a full body workout with a focus on strengthening the abdominal, pelvic floor and back muscles. It can take place on the mat or on the specially developed equipment and is very easy on the joints.

personal trainer richterswil

fat reduction

A Healthier Self

Wrong diet, too little exercise, too much stress or a combination of all can lead to obesity. We will help you with our special metabolism training and nutrition tips to get your body back in shape.

ballett richterswil


Quality in focus

As a professional ballet dancer, Stefanie will give you the perfect introduction to ballet training. Ballet promotes balance, mobility and coordination. Various elements and sequences are practiced to the music, while the muscles are strengthened and posture improved.

reha richterwil

rehabilitation training

Stronger than before

Rehabilitation after an injury or accident is very important. After the physical therapy, the recovery training should be continued. With an individually tailored training we accompany you until your complete recovery.

konditionstrainer richterswil

sport specific

Champions are made in the gym

Would you like to further improve in a sport such as golf, tennis, martial arts or skiing or prepare properly for a tournament/competition? We would be happy to help you with specific exercises and drills to further increase your performance and get you in top shape. We analyze your strengths and deficits and work on improving them further.

prä- postnatal trainer richterswil

pre and postnatal

Targeted training around pregnancy

Having a baby is a true miracle. But your body is in a state of emergency. Due to the growing abdominal circumference, your physical center of gravity shifts more and more, which has an effect on your entire posture. Many studies have shown that physical activity has a positive effect on mom and baby's body.

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